It seems as though for Carnival 2009 everybody and their mother want to play in TRIBE. Thus, the 'newbies' are now getting to know the ropes of how the TRIBE systems work and are voicing their concerns about pre-registration and other issues.
Some veterans try to assist them however other blatantly voice their annoyance with these 'seemingly obnoxious fight down newbies' as one person has said. Although some newbies do get annoying asking questions that they have seen and heard the answers to a million times and running around like headless chickens, creating unnecessary hype and drama around TRIBE registration, does not mean veterans need to treat them with the least respect.
As a fellow blogger said last night, people feel as though having played in TRIBE earns them some sort of status. As though being a holder of a TLC card puts you
above and beyond these people which you see as , '
pitiful newbies' , and argue that they should just settle for whats left and wait till they join the elite circle of TLC card member to earn that privilege to get their first choice! The blatant and outright disrespectful comments coming from TRIBE veterans are appalling as I watch them
reply to posts showing off maturity levels of an eight year old!
I am sure this is not the qualities members of TRIBE expect their masqueraders to display, as though displaying TRIBE as some ultra elite entity! These people are big hard back people! Act like it! Stop acting like the two numbers in your ages added together! Also this new feeling that TRIBE is the
BE ALL and END ALL of mas! Goodness! There are
soo many other great bands to choose from this year with stunning presentations! And if you truly want a costume and you know you have a common size try the costume resale market! Head on over to
Carnival Junction and watch those ads like a hawk! Believe me it will be flooded with ads as half the people rushing to play with TRIBE cannot afford to pay the rest!
This also brings me to this silly war with TRIBE AND IP masqueraders....
What in the hell are you guys quarreling about?I mean really when and why did this silly war even start? Since when bands cutting off eachother?! So Tom find TRIBE service superior but Dick find IP have better costumes and allyuh start to bicker!Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, it has reached a stage beyond our control where once a person says one thing about IP or one thing about TRIBE, the loyalists come out the lion den to tear you apart!So what if you like IP for their costume?! So what if you like TRIBE cause of service?! That is
YOUR opinion, just say ok cool and keep it moving! All of this unnecessary drama and for what? Dane and Dean still getting allyuh money!!!
This whole issue of Loyalists, Veterans and Newbies has gotten way out of hand and is annoying me and other masqueraders. I am getting tried of
the registration malais,
the IP designs better than TRIBE, the who stole whose designer, the whole stole whose design? that who more stush/stoosh than the other!